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Portion of the stained glass window in the campus library

Overall responsibility and authority for the direction, oversight, and long-term sustainability of the school and corporation rests with the Board of Trustees.

As ambassadors and fiduciary stewards of the school, the board and trustees act in the best interests of the entire school and its students. The Board of Trustees addresses policy and strategic issues and ensures the development and implementation of a strategic plan. As guardians of the long-term financial health of the corporation, the board develops and approves the school’s annual budget and also looks toward the future in its financial planning.

The Board of Trustees consists of parent trustees, staff trustees, and community trustees—each serving a term of three years. In addition, the Head of School serves as a voting trustee and one co-chair of the Green Acres School Parents Association serves as a non-voting trustee. The board also may appoint a Board Counsel who attends meetings and serves in an advisory capacity.

The board’s officers (chair, vice chair, secretary, and treasurer) and the Head of School comprise the executive committee, which manages the work of the board. Much of the planning and work of the board is done by its standing board committees. Additionally, advisory committees and task forces are established from time to time to work on specific initiatives and to provide input to the board or administration.

The board generally meets monthly during the school year. Members of the corporation meet at least once per year to elect trustees, to learn about the financial health of the school, and to benefit from other presentations.

Board of Trustees, 2024–2025

Alison Stern
Alyssa Denzer
Annie Groat
Brian Fung '02
Cathryn Rasevic
Chip Carvell
Dana Dorrier '95